My 2022 News Year’s Resolutions: Bookish Edition

My 2022 News Year’s Resolutions: Bookish Edition

I have a few bookish New Year’s Resolutions this year – though they’re more like goals – that I’m looking forward to achieving! I’m looking forward to revisiting this post on December 31, 2022, to see how far we’ve made it and to share some updates.

Bookish Resolution 1: Form a Partnership with An Agent or Publisher

This is my biggest goal towards my debut novel, Not My Time. While I submitted Not My Time to Berkley Publishing’s Open Submissions Program, I know that an agent will be the necessary next step regardless of what happens there. Or, alternatively, an independent publisher. All I know is that this isn’t a journey I can tackle alone!

I know that it’s not necessarily realistic to say that I’ll have my debut novel published by the end of 2022. While that would be fantastic and a dream come true, I know that the process is typically a bit longer than that, so I’ll be more than thrilled if I can walk away from 2022 saying that I at least have an agent representing me or a place to call my book home.

Bookish Resolution 2: Read at Least One Book a Month

I know that only one book a month might not sound like a lot to some people. But I’ve got a lot going on in my personal life, including a full-time job while I also write my series!

I read mostly some self-help & informational nonfiction last year (self-help may not be the best way to describe them, but for ease of conversation’s sake, that’s what we’ll call them) and want to get back into reading more fiction. I read a book per month back in 2019 and absolutely loved it, and I’ve found that reading more makes me a better writer.

So far, my to be read list includes:

I tried to time these out for when I’d want to seasonally read them. For example, The Love Con sounded like something I’d be in the mood for around Valentine’s Day. Also, The Taking of Jake Livingston sounded like a fun read to get me excited for Halloween.

Bookish Resolution 3: Finish My Second Book

I know my first book hasn’t even been considered for publishing yet at the time of my writing and publishing this blog post, but I do want to finish my second book by the end of the year! I actually have ideas for at least three sequels/spin-offs to Not My Time.

I’ve already started its sequel but finishing it will actually be my Camp NaNo goal. Depending on how editing that one goes, I might start the third book in the series during NaNoWriMo, but I’m not making that an official goal so I don’t overwhelm myself.

What are you reading in 2022?

Let me know in the comments what you’re reading this year or what your bookish resolutions are! I’d love for us to cheer each other on. Happy New Year!