Happy New Year! I can’t believe I get to say that my debut novel comes out this year! 🎉 A huge thank you to everyone who already added Not My Time to Goodreads or preordered a copy. 💕
With Not My Time publishing this month (January 19), I am really excited about everything to come this year. Not only is the first installation in Riverpeak Heroes publishing this month, but the first three are:
- Not My Time (January 19)
- To Be Normal (May)
- Play With Fire (November)
With the new year comes new resolutions—though I prefer to call them goals.
My 2023 Reading & Writing Goals
I accomplished a lot last year, including starting on a few new writing projects. So, my goal is to start tying up a lot of loose ends and finishing things I began last year. I know many people like to pick a word for the year, so my word for 2023 is consistency, especially regarding my 2023 writing goals.
Goal #1 – Finish the Riverpeak Heroes Series
This is a no-brainer—I’m on deadline, after all!
Play With Fire, the third installment of Riverpeak Heroes, is currently with my beta readers as I work on the first draft of the fourth and final novel of my superhero romance series. It’s still untitled, but we’ll get there this year sooner than later. 😝
The fourth installment in Riverpeak Heroes isn’t due to my publisher until January 2024, but I love being ahead like I am now. Since I work a full-time job in addition to writing, staying ahead allows me to show myself grace when life gets busy. And with some trips planned in 2023, the last thing I want to worry about while I’m on vacation is my deadline.
Goal #2 – Outline Unfinished WIPs
I have a few other works planned for 2024 once Riverpeak Heroes wraps up that I’ve sort of started. While I’ve started to outline and jot down snippets for them, including a sci-fi romance standalone and a Hallmark-esque rom-com series. There’s more, but these two are the most fleshed out by far.

I want to really polish these outlines so they’re in a good place when I’m ready to dive in. I’ve got about 10k words here, 15k words there, so I’m looking forward to refining the outlines for a clear direction now that I’ve established the vibes.
Goal #3 – Write Two Books
After I finish outlining my unfinished WIPs and writing the first draft of Riverpeak Heroes 4, in order to stay ahead, I’d love to finish at least one more book.

I’ve yet to decide which one that will be yet, but since it will probably be based on whatever book I am in the biggest mood for after finishing Riverpeak Heroes, I’m leaning toward my rom-com series or the sci-fi romance. This way, I can work on something lighter than a vigilante superhero romance. My brain occasionally needs a break from the heavy stuff!
Goal #4 – Read 52 Books
In the spirit of finishing what I started and being excited for my debut this year, my reading goal is to knock out 52 books—aka one per week.

My TBR on Goodreads has gotten long, y’all, and I want to start whittling it down—especially with so many amazing #2023Debuts coming out. I’m excited to support my fellow debut authors but I also want to tackle some of the works from 2020-2022 on my TBR list! It’s all about balance.
Work Toward Your Reading Goal with Not My Time
If you also plan on reading a lot more this year, consider Not My Time! Since it releases this month, it’s timed perfectly for your reading challenges. It’s an action-packed read featuring some of my favorite superhero tropes and friends-to-lovers romance.
And since it’s the first in a series with the sequel and the third book coming out later this year, you can depend on them to help boost your Goodreads stats this year.