Riverpeak Heroes Series Update: What’s Coming Next

Riverpeak Heroes Series Update: What’s Coming Next

Hey all,

I hate to make an announcement like this when you’re expecting me to say TO BE NORMAL is out in the world, but there have been some changes.

Due to some creative differences, I will no longer be working with 4 Horsemen Publications. As I await for them to return everything to me, the future is a bit hazy. I’m not sure where things will stand with these superheroes once the dust settles, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have any updates. I genuinely love this series and won’t give up on it.

What About The Rest of the Series?

Riverpeak Heroes will see the light of day eventually. However, I’m going to take plenty of time to determine the best path forward for the entire series. I’m genuinely so proud of the work I’ve done with these books, especially the unpublished PLAY WITH FIRE and ETCHED IN INK. So, I thank you all for your patience as I determine the best next steps.

What’s Next For Jess?

In the meantime, I’m going to just do what I know best: write. I’m looking forward to sharing more stories with you in the near future.

I am re-entering the querying trenches very soon with something completely different. I am deeply enjoying writing romantic comedies, so I’m hoping I can share some exciting updates with you soon on projects like that as well.

Again, I thank you all for your patience as I get my bearings and go from here. And if you’ve been reading and supporting the Riverpeak Heroes series thus far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I will have limited leftover copies available of NOT MY TIME and TO BE NORMAL up for sale here on my website, but they will eventually be pulled from publication in the meantime.

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