In the modern age of technology, writing a novel isn't quite as straightforward as putting a pen to paper anymore. There are all sorts of different software and websites out…
There are some many pitch events around, but one of my favorites is new to 2022's Mood Pitch. I had already created a few mood boards for the characters of…
Not My Time, my debut superhero romance, is coming soon! I can’t wait to introduce you to the main cast of characters ahead of its launch. For more about these…
Creating mood boards for my main characters totally helps me capture their vibe as I work on my novels. For my debut Novel, Not My Time - an action-packed superhero…
I have a few bookish New Year's Resolutions this year - though they're more like goals - that I'm looking forward to achieving! I'm looking forward to revisiting this post…
I think we can all agree that having a soundtrack makes everything a lot cooler. Imagine your favorite movie without any music! Plus we've all at one point looked out…
If you’re a new writer, NaNoWriMo can sound like a daunting task. There is no pressure to win NaNoWriMo (everyone “wins” so long as they reach the 50k word count…